The Oasis 1989


A plane crash in the Mexican desert leaves a small group of survivors who are desperate for food and water. Fearing that they may never be found where they are, they head for where it is hoped there will be civilization and rescue...

Tous les titres
  • US: The Oasis The Oasis
  • FI: Keidas Keidas
  • GR: Agria epiviosi Agria epiviosi
  • PE: Hambre salvaje Hambre salvaje
  • PT: Uma fome selvagem Uma fome selvagem
  • SE: Svält Svält
  • UA: The Oasis The Oasis
  • US: A Savage Hunger A Savage Hunger
  • US: The Oasis The Oasis
  • DE: Tödliche Wüste Tödliche Wüste
  • US: A Savage Hunger A Savage Hunger
Date de sortie 02 Nov 1989
Lien IMDb
